Explore what guidance would work best for you at this time.

Past Life Reading
Pricing available in book online section
This reading is one that connects you to your past lifetimes. This is a powerful reading that is given in a document that reviews the lifetimes that are channeled with a picture that you provide. Lifetimes will come up that need to. This means that information will come in that's important for you to know or in your highest good. Relationships that are important and have connections to this lifetime. Karma that you may need to clear or lessons that need to be understood and worked through. Typically one to three lifetimes can arise during this reading.

Relationship Reading
Pricing available in book online section
A relationship reading can focus on a current relationship, a past relationship and what was meant to be learned, or on the pathway of love. This is done with tarot/oracle cards as well as intuitive, psychic, and channeled messages. This can be done in person, or in a document that is sent to your email. You are encouraged to come up with a few questions prior to the reading.

Yearly or Monthly Reading
Pricing available in book online section
This reading is a check in with the energies that surround you and the pathways that will be created by potential decisions and external factors. This can be done a yearly check-in or a monthly check in. You are encouraged to come with a few questions with this reading.